Atlantic City Police and Rutgers appear on National Geographic Channel's 'Breakthrough' series, Season 2, Episode 5. Watch the clip: "By finding hidden patterns in big data, computers powered by a new form of artificial intelligence can predict the future with amazing accuracy."
PODCAST. 2018 | Can the study of criminal justice and RTM help Batman fight crime more efficiently around the world?
Journal Articles
2023. The Essex Risk-Based Policing Initiative: Evidence-Based Practices in Problem Analysis and Crime Prevention in the United Kingdom. Justice Quarterly. Link
2021. Data-Informed Crime Prevention at Convenience Stores in Atlantic City. Police Practice & Research. Link
2021. Data-Informed and Place-Based Violent Crime Prevention: The Kansas City, Missouri Risk-Based Policing Initiative. Police Quarterly. Link
2020. Cognitive and Affective Processing of Risk Information: A Survey Experiment on Risk-Based Decision-Making Related to Crime and Public Safety. Frontiers in Psychology. Link
2019. Using Vulnerability and Exposure to Improve Robbery Prediction and Target Area Selection. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. Link (Free online PDF)
2018. Forecasting Crime and Understanding its Causes. Applying Risk Terrain Modeling Worldwide. European Journal of Criminal Policy and Research. Link
2018. Enhancing Data-Driven Law Enforcement Efforts: Exploring how Risk Terrain Modeling and Conjunctive Analysis Fit in a Crime and Traffic Safety Framework. American Journal of Criminal Justice. Link
2018. Facilitators and Impediments to Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Risk-Based Policing Strategies Using Risk Terrain Modeling: Insights from a Multi-City Evaluation in the United States. European Journal of Criminal Policy and Research. Link
2014. Spatial Risk Factors of Felonious Battery to Police Officers. Policing. Link
2014. Risk Terrain Modeling for Strategic and Tactical Action. Crime Mapping & Analysis News. Link
2012. Kansas City’s Violent Crime Initiative: A Place-Based Evaluation of Location-Specific Intervention Activities during a Fixed Time Period. Crime Mapping, 4(2), 9-37. Link
2011. Risk clusters, hotspots, and spatial intelligence: Risk Terrain Modeling as an Algorithm for Police Resource Allocation Strategies. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 27(3), 339-362. Link
2021. Data-Informed Crime Prevention at Convenience Stores in Atlantic City. Police Practice & Research. Link
2021. Data-Informed and Place-Based Violent Crime Prevention: The Kansas City, Missouri Risk-Based Policing Initiative. Police Quarterly. Link
2020. Cognitive and Affective Processing of Risk Information: A Survey Experiment on Risk-Based Decision-Making Related to Crime and Public Safety. Frontiers in Psychology. Link
2019. Using Vulnerability and Exposure to Improve Robbery Prediction and Target Area Selection. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. Link (Free online PDF)
2018. Forecasting Crime and Understanding its Causes. Applying Risk Terrain Modeling Worldwide. European Journal of Criminal Policy and Research. Link
2018. Enhancing Data-Driven Law Enforcement Efforts: Exploring how Risk Terrain Modeling and Conjunctive Analysis Fit in a Crime and Traffic Safety Framework. American Journal of Criminal Justice. Link
2018. Facilitators and Impediments to Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Risk-Based Policing Strategies Using Risk Terrain Modeling: Insights from a Multi-City Evaluation in the United States. European Journal of Criminal Policy and Research. Link
2014. Spatial Risk Factors of Felonious Battery to Police Officers. Policing. Link
2014. Risk Terrain Modeling for Strategic and Tactical Action. Crime Mapping & Analysis News. Link
2012. Kansas City’s Violent Crime Initiative: A Place-Based Evaluation of Location-Specific Intervention Activities during a Fixed Time Period. Crime Mapping, 4(2), 9-37. Link
2011. Risk clusters, hotspots, and spatial intelligence: Risk Terrain Modeling as an Algorithm for Police Resource Allocation Strategies. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 27(3), 339-362. Link
Research Briefs
2023. The Essex Risk-Based Policing Initiative: Evidence-Based Practices in Problem Analysis and Crime Prevention in the United Kingdom Infographic
2021. Data-Informed and Crime Prevention at Convenience Stores in Atlantic City PDF | Infographic 2021. Data-Informed and Place-Based Violent Crime Prevention: The Kansas City, Missouri Risk-Based Policing Initiative PDF | Infographic 2013. Felonious Assault and Injury to Law Enforcement: Epidemiology and Spatial Risk Factors PDF 2012. Risk-Based Intervention Strategy for Policing PDF 2012. Integrating Spatial Crime Analysis Techniques for Tactical and Strategic Actions PDF 2010. Applying Risk Terrain Modeling to a Violent Crimes Initiative in Kansas City, Missouri PDF 2010. Risk Clusters, Hotspots, and Spatial Intelligence: Risk Terrains Modeling as an Algorithm for Police Resource Allocation Strategies PDF 2009. Introduction to Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM) for Strategic Decision-Making and Tactical Action PDF 2009. Risk Terrains as Spatial Intelligence PDF 2009. A Risk Based Outline for Intelligence-Led Policing PDF |
Final Reports
2018. Risk-Based Policing in Atlantic City: 2017 Report PDF
2017. The Atlantic City Police Department Risk-Based Policing Initiative Pilot Project: 2016 Year-End Report PDF
2015. A Multi-jurisdictional Test of Risk Terrain Modeling and a Place-based Evaluation of Environmental Risk-Based Patrol Deployment Strategies
Final Technical Report (PDF) | Results in Brief (PDF) | ICPSR Archived Data | Proven Strategies Matrix, Case Studies & Tips (PDF) | see also: Conjunctive Analysis Report: 6-City Executive Summary PDF
2017. The Atlantic City Police Department Risk-Based Policing Initiative Pilot Project: 2016 Year-End Report PDF
2015. A Multi-jurisdictional Test of Risk Terrain Modeling and a Place-based Evaluation of Environmental Risk-Based Patrol Deployment Strategies
Final Technical Report (PDF) | Results in Brief (PDF) | ICPSR Archived Data | Proven Strategies Matrix, Case Studies & Tips (PDF) | see also: Conjunctive Analysis Report: 6-City Executive Summary PDF
Other Recommended Readings
ARTICLE. Risky Business: Examining the 80-20 Rule in Relation to a RTM Framework. Criminal Justice Review. By Steinman, Drawve, Datta, Harris & Thomas. Link
REPORT. Data Modeling Helps Reduce Risk of Violent Crime in Atlantic City. UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, TReNDS. By Hayden Dahmm. Link
BROCHURE. The Risk-Based Policing Playbook. Link | PDF
ARTICLE. 2018. Measuring the Effect of Heterogeneity of Police Enforcement Actions Across Spatial Contexts. J of Criminal Justice. By Piza & Gilchrist . Link
ARTICLE. 2017. The Role of Crime Analyst and Researcher Partnerships: A Training Exercise in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Policing. By Drawve et al. Link
ARTICLE. 2016. NIJ Journal No. 276: Using Research to Move Policing Forward. Link
ARTICLE. 2015. Leveraging predictive policing algorithms to restore Fourth Amendment protections in high-crime areas in a post-Wardlow world. Chicago-Kent Law Review. By Kelly K. Koss. Link
ARTICLE. 2014. Policing by numbers: Big data and the Fourth Amendment . Washington Law Review. By Elizabeth E. Joh. Link
ARTICLE. 2013. Targeting Hot Spots Using Problem Solving Foot Patrols in New Haven, CT. Link
ARTICLE. 2012. Predictive policing and reasonable suspicion. Emory Law Review. By Andrew G. Ferguson. Link
REPORT. 2017. The Urban Institute: A Blueprint for Interagency and Cross Jurisdictional Data Sharing. Link (see pg. 32)
REPORT. 2012. Maryland's Highway Safety Performance Plan uses RTM to Determine Optimal Locations for Placement of DUI Checkpoints and Saturation Patrols. Link (see pg. 68)
BRIEFS. 2017. GMU Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy's The Matrix: Research on Micro Places. Link (see Kennedy et al.)
PRESENTATION. 2016. Riverside Shefiff's Office: Criminal Justice System Review. Link (see pg. 44)
TV EPISODE. 2017. National Geographic Channel's 'Breakthrough' series, Featuring Risk-Based Policing in Atlantic City. Link
ESSAY. 2016. RTM is Smarter Policing. An OpEd. By Marces Mendoza. PDF
TRAINING. 2015. RTM is California POST Certified. Archived PDF
NEWS. 2014. Spain: RTM increased patrol productivity (efficiency) without increasing the number of detentions or random searches. Link
NEWS. 2014. RTM's predictive policing ability has been analyzed and published in Paris, France. Link
NEWS. 2017. US Police Use Data to Focus on Places, Not People, and Cut Crime by Up to 40%. Link
NEWS. 2017. Philadelphia Inquirer: Atlantic City's Bold Experiment Takes Racial Bias Out of Predictive Policing. Link
NEWS. 2016. How Data Helps Law Enforcement Turn Criminal 'Playgrounds' Into Safe Spaces. Inverse | Link
NEWS. 2015. Places, Not People, Are the Focus of this New Crime-Fighting Data Analysis Tool. Vice | Link
NEWS. 2015. New Tech Lets Atlantic City Map Out Crime to Track Trends. Press of Atlantic City | Link
NEWS. 2018. Atlantic City Sees Crime Decrease in First Six Months of the Year. Breaking AC | Link
NEWS. 2018. Predictive Policing One Reason Given for Atlantic City's Violent Crime Drop Last Year. Breaking AC | Link
NEWS. 2018. Atlantic City Story: A new way to combat crime (PODCAST). Press of Atlantic City | LISTEN
NEWS. 2018. Atlantic City's violent crime decreases with risk-based policing initiative. Press of Atlantic City | Link
NEWS. 2018. Rutgers, A.C. Police Locating and Reducing Crime Risks (OpEd). Press of Atlantic City | Link
NEWS. 2018. Cartographie Criminelle: Surveiller et prédire. Le Monde (French) | Link
NEWS. 2017. New Crime Predictor Helps Police In Atlantic City. Epoch Times | Link
NEWS. 2017. Numbers Show Predictive Policing Working in Atlantic City, Professor Says. Breaking AC | Link
REPORT. Data Modeling Helps Reduce Risk of Violent Crime in Atlantic City. UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, TReNDS. By Hayden Dahmm. Link
BROCHURE. The Risk-Based Policing Playbook. Link | PDF
ARTICLE. 2018. Measuring the Effect of Heterogeneity of Police Enforcement Actions Across Spatial Contexts. J of Criminal Justice. By Piza & Gilchrist . Link
ARTICLE. 2017. The Role of Crime Analyst and Researcher Partnerships: A Training Exercise in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Policing. By Drawve et al. Link
ARTICLE. 2016. NIJ Journal No. 276: Using Research to Move Policing Forward. Link
ARTICLE. 2015. Leveraging predictive policing algorithms to restore Fourth Amendment protections in high-crime areas in a post-Wardlow world. Chicago-Kent Law Review. By Kelly K. Koss. Link
ARTICLE. 2014. Policing by numbers: Big data and the Fourth Amendment . Washington Law Review. By Elizabeth E. Joh. Link
ARTICLE. 2013. Targeting Hot Spots Using Problem Solving Foot Patrols in New Haven, CT. Link
ARTICLE. 2012. Predictive policing and reasonable suspicion. Emory Law Review. By Andrew G. Ferguson. Link
REPORT. 2017. The Urban Institute: A Blueprint for Interagency and Cross Jurisdictional Data Sharing. Link (see pg. 32)
REPORT. 2012. Maryland's Highway Safety Performance Plan uses RTM to Determine Optimal Locations for Placement of DUI Checkpoints and Saturation Patrols. Link (see pg. 68)
BRIEFS. 2017. GMU Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy's The Matrix: Research on Micro Places. Link (see Kennedy et al.)
PRESENTATION. 2016. Riverside Shefiff's Office: Criminal Justice System Review. Link (see pg. 44)
TV EPISODE. 2017. National Geographic Channel's 'Breakthrough' series, Featuring Risk-Based Policing in Atlantic City. Link
ESSAY. 2016. RTM is Smarter Policing. An OpEd. By Marces Mendoza. PDF
TRAINING. 2015. RTM is California POST Certified. Archived PDF
NEWS. 2014. Spain: RTM increased patrol productivity (efficiency) without increasing the number of detentions or random searches. Link
NEWS. 2014. RTM's predictive policing ability has been analyzed and published in Paris, France. Link
NEWS. 2017. US Police Use Data to Focus on Places, Not People, and Cut Crime by Up to 40%. Link
NEWS. 2017. Philadelphia Inquirer: Atlantic City's Bold Experiment Takes Racial Bias Out of Predictive Policing. Link
NEWS. 2016. How Data Helps Law Enforcement Turn Criminal 'Playgrounds' Into Safe Spaces. Inverse | Link
NEWS. 2015. Places, Not People, Are the Focus of this New Crime-Fighting Data Analysis Tool. Vice | Link
NEWS. 2015. New Tech Lets Atlantic City Map Out Crime to Track Trends. Press of Atlantic City | Link
NEWS. 2018. Atlantic City Sees Crime Decrease in First Six Months of the Year. Breaking AC | Link
NEWS. 2018. Predictive Policing One Reason Given for Atlantic City's Violent Crime Drop Last Year. Breaking AC | Link
NEWS. 2018. Atlantic City Story: A new way to combat crime (PODCAST). Press of Atlantic City | LISTEN
NEWS. 2018. Atlantic City's violent crime decreases with risk-based policing initiative. Press of Atlantic City | Link
NEWS. 2018. Rutgers, A.C. Police Locating and Reducing Crime Risks (OpEd). Press of Atlantic City | Link
NEWS. 2018. Cartographie Criminelle: Surveiller et prédire. Le Monde (French) | Link
NEWS. 2017. New Crime Predictor Helps Police In Atlantic City. Epoch Times | Link
NEWS. 2017. Numbers Show Predictive Policing Working in Atlantic City, Professor Says. Breaking AC | Link