with support from Rutgers University
Request for Proposals
Systematic Review:
Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM) as a spatial diagnostic and forecasting method
$5,000 Maximum Award
Download PDF of this RFP
Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM) as a spatial diagnostic and forecasting method
$5,000 Maximum Award
Download PDF of this RFP
The Newark Public Safety Collaborative (NPSC) is a cross-sector group with public safety and data-informed community engagement as its core programs. With support from Rutgers University and the Rutgers Center on Public Security (RCPS), the NPSC seeks proposals for a systematic review on the topic of Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM) as a spatial diagnostic and predictive/forecasting method. Applications of RTM to crimes and other types of issues/events may be considered.
The NPSC is pleased to be able to offer $5,000 to an individual or team capable of conducting a new systematic review on RTM. Proposals for the systematic review are due to NPSC by October 15, 2019.
There is a large and growing volume of research from around the world on RTM. Some of this research includes assessments of predictive accuracy compared to other spatial analysis methods, finds value in combining RTM with other analytic methods, or applies RTM to a particular topic issue and then calculates predictive validity based on events occurring within a subsequent time period. Other applications of RTM also exist in the published research literature, and there are likely more examples than are readily known from the bibliography list at http://www.riskterrainmodeling.com/rtmworks.html. This systematic review seeks to learn more about the current state-of-knowledge on RTM in an evidence-based way.
This review will help NPSC improve the accuracy of its tools and resources used for enhancing public engagement and delivering actionable data to community groups for evidence-based decision-making.
The Systematic Review:
The individual or team that receives the award should deliver a methodologically sound systematic review (or meta-analysis) of publishable quality. The Campbell Collaboration’s systematic reviews may serve as a guide (i.e., see https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/18911803)
The final deliverable (The Systematic Review) is due to NPSC by June 1, 2020. To demonstrate progress, an interim report is due to NPSC by April 1, 2020.
Review Criteria:
Proposals will first be screened for eligibility and completeness of the application.
Proposals who pass the screening shall be reviewed against the following criteria:
Proposals will be independently scored by 3 reviewers. After scoring, these reviewers will met as a review panel to make a final decision on the award. NPSC reserves the right not to make the advertised award if there are insufficient proposals of sufficient quality.
Applications Should Comprise:
Applications and supporting materials must be in English.
Applications should be submitted by email to [email protected] with the subject “RTM Systematic Review Proposal” by 11:59PM EST on Monday, October 14, 2019.
The Newark Public Safety Collaborative (NPSC) is a cross-sector group with public safety and data-informed community engagement as its core programs. With support from Rutgers University and the Rutgers Center on Public Security (RCPS), the NPSC seeks proposals for a systematic review on the topic of Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM) as a spatial diagnostic and predictive/forecasting method. Applications of RTM to crimes and other types of issues/events may be considered.
The NPSC is pleased to be able to offer $5,000 to an individual or team capable of conducting a new systematic review on RTM. Proposals for the systematic review are due to NPSC by October 15, 2019.
There is a large and growing volume of research from around the world on RTM. Some of this research includes assessments of predictive accuracy compared to other spatial analysis methods, finds value in combining RTM with other analytic methods, or applies RTM to a particular topic issue and then calculates predictive validity based on events occurring within a subsequent time period. Other applications of RTM also exist in the published research literature, and there are likely more examples than are readily known from the bibliography list at http://www.riskterrainmodeling.com/rtmworks.html. This systematic review seeks to learn more about the current state-of-knowledge on RTM in an evidence-based way.
This review will help NPSC improve the accuracy of its tools and resources used for enhancing public engagement and delivering actionable data to community groups for evidence-based decision-making.
The Systematic Review:
The individual or team that receives the award should deliver a methodologically sound systematic review (or meta-analysis) of publishable quality. The Campbell Collaboration’s systematic reviews may serve as a guide (i.e., see https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/18911803)
The final deliverable (The Systematic Review) is due to NPSC by June 1, 2020. To demonstrate progress, an interim report is due to NPSC by April 1, 2020.
Review Criteria:
Proposals will first be screened for eligibility and completeness of the application.
Proposals who pass the screening shall be reviewed against the following criteria:
- Technical quality of the proposal (60%)
- Qualifications of team members (30%)
- Value for the money (10%)
Proposals will be independently scored by 3 reviewers. After scoring, these reviewers will met as a review panel to make a final decision on the award. NPSC reserves the right not to make the advertised award if there are insufficient proposals of sufficient quality.
Applications Should Comprise:
- A proposal of adequate length to convey the research design and all necessary technical details (not to exceed 20 pages, double spaced, 12-point font)
- CVs of all team members
Applications and supporting materials must be in English.
Applications should be submitted by email to [email protected] with the subject “RTM Systematic Review Proposal” by 11:59PM EST on Monday, October 14, 2019.